horsesmiths farm

Meet our 09 Foals

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08 Foals
09 Foals
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We've cut way back on our brood mares, with the economy in the tank and the added pressure on the horse industry from the slaughter ban, the world just isn't as good a place as it used to be for a young horse. We're doing what we can to help solve the problem, breeding just a few from our best. This may be our last year.


All the 09 foals are sold.

A colt born March 4th to Whiteys Bar and A Classie Cool. He is gentle as a lamb, just like his parents. We'll have to do a hair test to know for sure if he is a Perlino or a Smoky Cream. Either way he has those great Double Dilute genetics and he has the mind to be kept a stud. We call him Pup. He acts more like a good dog than a small horse.

They're calling her May
What a lovely body!! About a month old

This filly is all little girl
She's got spunk!! She's got speed!!

A filly, small but ok - two weeks old
Looks to be a Smokey Cream like Dad

Some nice folks brought their dark chestnut mare all the way from Kansas City to breed to Mr. Why. On May 15th they got a black buckskin colt. They are rare. Congrats!! He is a fine looking boy!

Born beefy
His color has lightened up since

Pup at 6 weeks, looking like a stud prospect
He's a real beefcake with a very sweet nature

What a beautiful head on this gal

We sold this mare, Buck Naked Blues in foal to Why. Her new owners sent us this cute photo when she was born on May 1st. They are very pleased with both Mom and the new filly.

A Palomino filly from our grulla mare "Lovie" and Why was born on May 11th. She has one blue eye and the other is a partial blue. It comes from the dam's side. She is just full of herself. We're calling her Dickins.

She sticks pretty close to Mom
She's that color everyone wants

We sold this mare "Cookie" last summer bred to Why and were saddened to find out that she ended up in a Horse Rescue. She carried this foal over a year trying to get it born big enough to live. She did it, what a great Mom!  They'll be coming back here to us so we can take care of them and get them healthy and happy.

Cookie and the filly "Sugar"
Kicking it up at the rescue

Look at the body on this baby boy
How about that color!!!!!